Affected Family Members FOLLOW UP VISIT
Support For Families Affected By Substance Use Disorder
Service Description
The opposite of addiction is connection. This is why it is important for families to be involved in the recovery process with their loved ones. Families also need their own healing as they work through and navigate their own disruptive experiences. Our coaches will work with family members to set and maintain healthy boundaries, rebuild trusting relationships, and educate them about the disease of addiction. Families will learn new skills to manage the different ways they are being affected by the substance use disorder. Family members you are not alone. Your recovery is important too. This disease affects everyone involved and we are here to help. Using the Invitation to Change model, we educate families on the disease of addiction and support them in their own recovery from being affected by someone with substance use disorder. I will help you to identify your priorities and help establish new routines and behaviors that help the family achieve positive change as well as continue to set goals and achieve on-going results. You will learn to work through disruptive experiences, set healthy boundaries, put self-care FIRST, and rebuild trusting relationships. After your initial visit you will schedule "follow up" sessions in the booking calendar.
Cancellation Policy
Booked appointments are non refundable. Credit will be applied to future bookings. After three cancellations (without a 24 hour notice) no credit will be offered.
Contact Details